About Us

Through decades and across continents, our journey has been nothing short of remarkable and inspiring. However long, we have captured our journey in a few words below. Trust me, it is worth the read.

Our Story

Catering runs deep in our family’s veins, a legacy spanning over three generations. It all began with my great nan, who would cater for local weddings and festivities in the village she grew up in. Indian weddings, a grand affair lasting up to five days, demanded her to cook into the early hours, ensuring each day’s feast was as good as the last. As the years passed, my nan and mother stepped into the business, each playing their essential roles. My nan, taking the reins, and my mother, a young helper learning the ropes at the age of 10. Like a sponge, she absorbed every aspect.

When my mother came to the UK in the late ’70s, she used her cooking skills to start her own business. With my grandmother’s support, they began by offering a weekly tiffin service for two customers. As more people heard about their delicious food, my mother got the chance to cater for bigger events. She worked hard, and soon her customer base grew, and she was catering for events with as many as 1000 people.

Our Core Values

Here at Sudama Vegetarian Catering, we’ve built our culinary foundation on three core values that define our approach to catering